Quiet Devotions is a daily devotion based on one of the readings from the Daily Lectionary (as it appears in the back of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Augsburg Fortress, 2006). All biblical quotes are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) unless otherwise noted. May these devotions help bring you in closer relationship with the Triune God.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Year B, Pentecost 2, Wednesday

Inspired by Luke 11:14-28

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”  Luke 11:23

In these days of relativism, it is tempting to sit on the sidelines and not take a stand for anything.  We don’t want to offend anyone, or minimize someone else’s beliefs or opinions by coming out strongly for our own.  So we minimize the importance of our own truths while affirming everyone else’s, and in the end we stand for nothing.

But standing up for what we believe in doesn’t necessarily minimize someone else’s beliefs.  Tolerance is a worthy goal, but it means supporting someone else’s right to their own opinion.  It doesn’t mean having to give up your own for their sake.  You respect their right to believe and practice as they choose; you also have the right to expect the same tolerance for your own beliefs and practices.  And if you don’t respect your own beliefs enough to stand up for them, why should anyone else respect them?

Jesus came with a mission: to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God.  He worked to demonstrate what that kingdom is like: a place where justice and mercy reign hand in hand, where the poor and downtrodden are cared for, and where all people are treated with dignity and grace, because all people were created in the image of God.  He calls all Christians to stand with him in his mission, and to live according to the values of the kingdom of God.  Standing on the sidelines means not proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God, and standing on the sidelines means not working against systems of injustice and exploitation.  Neutrality is not an option; you stand with him or you stand against him.

Let us pray.  God of justice, you sent your Son to save all humanity from our sins.  Help us to actively work to bring about your kingdom, that all people may experience your grace and love.  Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

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