Quiet Devotions is a daily devotion based on one of the readings from the Daily Lectionary (as it appears in the back of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Augsburg Fortress, 2006). All biblical quotes are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) unless otherwise noted. May these devotions help bring you in closer relationship with the Triune God.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Year B, Pentecost 2, Monday

Inspired by Psalm 74

“They set your sanctuary on fire; they desecrated the dwelling place of your name, bringing it to the ground.  They said to themselves, ‘We will utterly subdue them’; they burned all the meeting places of God in the land.”  Psalm 74:7-8

There have been many wars fought in the world, and many strategies were used to claim victory.  Those who wanted to conquer a land but keep it intact allowed a number of liberties for the conquered inhabitants and made relatively few changes to their society, minimizing their desire to fight against their new rulers.  But those who wanted to utterly destroy their enemy didn’t stop at killing their bodies; they killed their families, they killed their way of life, they killed their beliefs, they even tried to kill their god.

But our God cannot be killed, and our belief in him does not depend on physical structures.  An enemy can burn down every house of worship, desecrate and destroy every bible, but God our King is from of old, working salvation in the earth, and his Spirit is with us, showing us his ways, guiding us in his truths, and no enemy can ever conquer that.  Our bodies might be killed, but we are more than our bodies, and once our bodies are dead our souls are beyond the reach of our enemies, and in the presence of the One who will ultimately triumph.

Human beings are capable of terrible destruction, but our God created the world out of nothing, and he can rebuild whatever humanity tears down.  Whatever calamity befalls you, whatever evils you must stand against, know that your Redeemer lives, and that his love can overcome all the world’s hatred.

Let us pray.  Eternal Lord, you were before the beginning, and you will endure through the end.  Comfort us in our trials, that we may be strengthened by the knowledge that neither death nor life nor anything in all creation will be able to separate us from your love.  Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

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