Quiet Devotions is a daily devotion based on one of the readings from the Daily Lectionary (as it appears in the back of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Augsburg Fortress, 2006). All biblical quotes are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) unless otherwise noted. May these devotions help bring you in closer relationship with the Triune God.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Year B, Holy Trinity, Saturday

Inspired by John 15:18-20, 26-27

“If the world hates you, be aware that it hated me before it hated you.”  John 15:18

Hate.  Such strong language, especially when compared to how much Jesus has to say about love in John’s gospel.  But here he is, suggesting to his disciples that the world would indeed hate them, just as the world hated him before them, just as the world hated God before Christ came.

The world is God’s good creation, but it is fallen and groaning for redemption.  That fallen state causes humanity’s judgment to be clouded, and we cannot always recognize what is helpful and what is harmful.  God is good, and desires our salvation, but just as a drowning man might fight off his would-be rescuer, we fight off God’s good efforts to save us from our peril.  We have a strong aversion to God’s salvation because, like the drowning man, accepting his help means we have to stop flailing about and just let go, trusting that we won’t perish even though every part of our being is convinced that we will.

Jesus came to save the world, and he commands his followers to love one another in the face of the world’s hate.  We ourselves understand the world’s hatred, because we also were drowning along with it.  But when Christ called us we stopped flailing, and we discovered that by letting go and trusting our lives to God not only did we not sink to the depths, we experienced a life more beautiful and meaningful than we could every have imagined.

There are many around us still drowning, and we are called to proclaim Christ’s salvation, and encourage our fellow humanity to stop fighting him off, to let him carry them to safety.  Many will hate our efforts and fight us off, but buoyed by the love that our Savior has for us and commanded of us, we can remain faithful to our call.

Let us pray.  Savior God, you alone are our salvation.  Support us with your love, that we may overwhelm the world’s hate with that love.  Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

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